Semester: 6 / Spring
Lectures/Classes: 15 / 30 hours
Field of study: Veterinary Medicine
Study cycle: 1st cycle
Type of course: compulsory
Prerequisites: There is a limit of 16 people registered for a particular course None.
Contact person: dr Joanna Paczuska
Short description: After the course students will have basic knowledge about surgical and anesthesiologic emergencies and their treatment. Students will be prepared to perform basic surgical procedures such as wound suturing, hemostasis, small tumor excision, treatment of limb dislocations and performing the dressing. Students will learn the basic of anesthesiology in veterinary medicine: local and general anesthesia, intravenous and inhalation anesthesia for short surgical procedures, fluid management and analgesia. Students will learn how to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation and how to monitor the patient during and after surgery.
Full description: Lectures: Surgery, surgical cleanliness. Traumatology- trauma, wounds and their treatment. External and internal injuries - bleeding, hematoma, contusion, concussion, and their treatment. Specific inflammation of bacterial and fungal etiology. Surgical musculoskeletal disorders. Hernias and cancers. Preparation of animals to the anesthesia and surgical procedures. Induction anesthesia, the essence and indications. General infusion and general inhalation anesthesia. Local anesthesia. Complications of anesthesia. Resuscitation and cardiopulmonary resuscitation CPR. Supervision algorithms of the animals in anesthesia and during postoperative period. Classes: Animal handling: students are acquainted with rules at the clinic and surgery room together with principles of safe work with animals. Asepsis and antisepsis in surgery. Surgical Instruments. Desmurgy: wound dressings, compression and restraining dressings. Test I. Anesthesiology – horses, cattle and small ruminants, pigs, small animals. Test II. Practical classes: in ambulatory and operating rooms for large and small animals and in laboratory and radiology lab: Active preparing of animals by the students for surgery (clipping, shaving, intramuscular injections, connecting of infusion set under medical supervision). Assisting in small surgical procedures. Active student participation in anaesthetic procedures under medical supervision (intubation, vain catheterization), monitoring of the patient (pulse oximetry, capnometry, EKG, mucous membrane colour, pulse, respiration, blood pressure, CRT) and completed the protocol of anesthesia.
Bibliography: 1. Manual of Small Animal Soft Tissue Surgery, Karen M. Tobias, 2009, Wiley-Blackwell 2. Small Animal Surgery, 4th Ed., Theresa Fossum, 2012, Elsevier 3. Fundamentals of Small Animal Surgery, Fred Anthony Mann, Gheorghe M. Constantinescu, Hun-Young Yoon; 2011, Wiley - Blackwell 4. Essentials of Small Animal Anesthesia and Analgesia, 2nd Edition, Kurt A. Grimm, William J. Tranquilli, Leigh A. Lamont, 2011, Wiley - Blackwell 5. Handbook of Small Animal Regional Anesthesia and Analgesia Techniques, Phillip Lerche, Turi Aarnes, Gwen Covey-Crump, Fernando Martinez Taboada, Wiley - Blackwell, 2016 6. Anesthesia for the Pet Practitioner 3rd Edition, Karen Faunt, 2009, Banfield Hospital 8. T. Brzeziński – Etyka lekarska. PZWL Warszawa 2002. 9. A.Bieniek, W. Baran – Podstawowy kurs chirurgii skóry. Wyd. Urban&Partner, Wrocław 2005 10. B. Szczygieł i J. Socha – Żywienie pozajelitowe i dojelitowe. PZWL Warszawa 1994 11. W.Muir i inni – Anestezjologia Weterynaryjna. Urban&Partner, Wrocław 2008 12. W.W. Muir, J.A.E. Hubbell, R.M. Bednarski, R.T. Skarda – Anestezjologia weterynaryjna. Elsevier Urban&Partner, Wrocław 2008 13. T.W. Fossum – Chirurgia małych zwierząt. Tom 1. Elsevier Urban&Partner Wrocław 2009 14. L. O’Dwyer – Leczenie ran małych zwierząt. Elsevier Urban&Partner, Wrocław 2008.
Learning outcomes: Knowledge: - students will gain basic knowledge in the field of emergency assistance to animals after traffic accident - learn the technique of surgical treatment of wounds and their treatment. - learn the basics of performing intravenous cannulation and intubation with tracheotubus Skills: - students will be prepared to perform basic surgical procedures such as stitching and supplies wounds - perform local and intravenous anesthesia for short surgical procedures - perform the removal of a small tumor - perform dressing fixing the broken limb - implements the rules of surgical asepsis and antiseptic and uses appropriate methods of sterilisation of equipment Social competences: - has ability to act under conditions of uncertainty and stress - it has a habit of continuing improvement of the knowledge and skills - adheres to ethical principles
Assessment methods and assessment criteria: 80% - rating obtained from tests (material from classes and lectures) and 20% rating from practical activity during classes (practical skills, oral answer).

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